The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfor The film follows Special forces veteran Lee Gunner as he takes his two boys on a camping trip, where the boys stumble upon a fentanyl lab and are kidnapped by drug runners. Unfortunately for the drug runners, Lee will stop at nothing to get his boys back safely, going up against not only the criminal cartel, but the FBI and local police as well, using the full force of his deadly abilities to reunite his family.详情
尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme, 杜夫·龙格尔 Dolph Lundgren, 斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins, 玛丽亚·波纳 Mariah Bonner, 安德烈·阿罗维斯基 Andrei Arlovski, 詹姆斯·杜蒙特 James DuMont, 大卫·詹森 David Jensen, 罗斯·布莱克维尔 Rus Blackwell, 戴恩·罗兹 Dane Rhodes, 克里斯·云顿 Kris Van Damme, 小罗伊·琼斯 Roy Jones Jr., 凯